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This course is designed to supply a novice beekeeper with all the information you need to take bee colonies from their inception through their first year. Attending the auditorium sessions is free, but for $35, you will get a beekeeping book, all the class handouts, and a year’s membership in the Wiregrass Beekeepers Association.
The four auditorium sessions will be held at the Landmark Park Interpretive Center, 430 Landmark Park Drive, Dothan Alabama. They start at 10 AM and run for about 2 hours. The field session will start at 10 AM at Landmark Park Teaching Apiary, 430 Landmark Drive, Dothan, AL. Persons coming to Landmark Park for the beekeeping class can get in for free (but do consider making donations to the park).
Questions? Call Bill Miller at (334)794-8362 or e-mail him at
Click one of the buttons below to pay via PayPal, VENMO or credit/debit card:
Penn State offers a very good online Beekeeping 101 Class
This class contains nine one-hour sessions and costs $79.50